This is so true: "Comparison is truly the thief of joy. Your life, talents, and experiences are unique to you." Hotpot = awesomeness and congrats on finding your Star Trek water bottle!

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Thank you!! And yes - I loved hot pot!!

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I love seeing the one-staple collage, something that is often a part of ICAD and such a wonderful puzzle in the making.

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Wait wait wait, back it up…back it up…date night???

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It was a happy accident. I think I can actually make Sunday drawing if it's happening this week, so I'll tell you more if you're there. 😃

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I am going to hold it — I’m not sure if I will attend or not, but I do plan to open it.

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I'd love to see you, Amy, but completely understand if you don't attend. ❤️❤️

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Love your ICAD!

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Thank you! 😃

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