You're perfect, too! Thank you so much.

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Little victories.

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It feels like you are on the right track.

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Sounds awkward — but like Laura said, it seems you managed the moment. The kitten is so cute! You are taking on two? Oh my!

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I thought one kitten would get bored and 2 might keep each other company? It's still going to be a lot, though!

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I was just reminding myself today that I’m not everyone’s cup of tea, and that’s ok. But you are a fabulous sparkly unicorn.

It sounds like you handled the awkwardness well. If I had been there I might have had to stomp on his foot.

I can’t wait to see more kitten pics.

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I'd rather be disliked for being myself than to try to be what someone else wants. And more kitten pics are a guarantee!!

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